Patient Summary: Male, 40 years old. 1955 was found to have high blood pressure, recurring after 1975, precordial pain, sometimes left to the neck or with sweat, each duration ranging from minutes to half an hour, oral nitroglycerin can be alleviated. Frequent chest pain before admission, more than 3,4 o’clock in the morning when the rest occurred. Physical examination: the general condition is good, heart percussion to the left to expand, heart rate 72 beats / min, law Qi. Breath sounds clear lungs. Liver and spleen not palpable. Laboratory tests: white blood cells 11,400 / cubic millimeter, ESR 5 mm / 1 hour. 21 units of alanine aminotransferase, 18 units of aspartate aminotransferase, 228 mg% of blood cholesterol, and 240 mg% of fasting blood glucose.