Clinical evaluation of implants in patients with maxillofacial defects

来源 :World Journal of Stomatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxinyu322
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AIM: To show the efficacy of reconstruction and rehabilitation of large acquired maxillofacial defects due to tumor resections and firearm injuries. METHODS: The study group comprised of 16 patients(10 men and 6 women) who were operated on because of their maxillofacial defects under local and general anesthesia between June 2007 and June 2011. Prosthetic treatment with the aid of dental implants was performed for all of the patients. Eight patients received an implant supported fixed prosthesis; six patients received implant supported overdentures and two patients received both. Patients were followed up postoperatively for 1 to 4 years. Implant success and survival rates were recorded. Panoramic radiographs were taken preoperatively, immediately after surgery, immediately after loading and at every recall session. Peri-implant and prosthetic complications were recorded. Subjects were asked to grade their oral health satisfaction after treatment according to 100 mm visual analog scale(VAS) and the oral health related quality oflife of the patients was measured with the short-form Oral Health Impact Profile. RESULTS: Five implants(3 in the mandible, 2 in the maxilla) in five patients were lost, while the other 53 survived, which brings an overall survival rate of 91.37% on the implant basis, but 68.75% on patient basis. All the failed implants were lost before abutment connection and were therefore regarded as early failures. For all failed implants, new implants were placed after a 2 mo period and the planning was maintained. The mean marginal bone loss(MBL) was 1.4 mm on the mesial side and 1.6 mm on the distal side of the implants. Five of the implants showed MBL > 2 mm(mean MBL = 2.3 mm) but less than 1/2 of the implant bodies and therefore were regarded as not successful but surviving implants. The VAS General Comfort mean score was 85.07, the VAS Speech mean score was 75.25 and the VAS Esthetics mean score was 82.74. No patient reported low scores(score lower than 50) of satisfaction in any of the evaluated factors. The mean of OHIP-14 scores was 5.5. CONCLUSION: Although further follow up and larger case numbers will give more information about the success of dental implants as a treatment modality in maxillofacial defects patients, the actual results are encouraging and can be recommended for similar cases. AIM: To show the efficacy of reconstruction and rehabilitation of large acquired maxillofacial defects due to tumor resections and firearm injuries. METHODS: The study group comprised of 16 patients (10 men and 6 women) who were operated on because of maxxofacial defects under local and general anesthesia between June 2007 and June 2011. Eight patients received an implanted supported prosthesis; six patients received implant supported overdentures and two patients received both. Patients were followed Implant success and survival rates were recorded. Panoramic radiographs were taken preoperatively, immediately after surgery, immediately after loading and at every recall session. Peri-implant and prosthetic complications were recorded. Subjects were asked to grade their oral health satisfaction after treatment according to 100 mm visual analog scale (VAS) and the oral health related quality of life of the patients was measured with the short-form Oral Health Impact Profile. RESULTS: Five implants (3 in the mandible, 2 in the maxilla) in five patients were lost, while the other 53 survived, which brings an overall survival rate of 91.37% on the implant basis, but 68.75% on patient basis. All the failed implants were lost before abutment connection and were promising as early failures. For all failed implants, new implants were placed after The mean marginal bone loss (MBL) was 1.4 mm on the mesial side and 1.6 mm on the distal side of the implants. Five of the implants showed MBL> 2 mm (mean MBL = 2.3 mm) but less than 1/2 of the implant bodies and said the like were as not successful but surviving implants. The VAS General Comfort mean score was 85.07, the VAS Speech mean score was 75.25 and the VAS Esthetics mean score was 82.74. No patient reported low scores (score lowerthan 50) of any of the evaluated factors. The mean of OHIP-14 scores was 5.5. CONCLUSION: Although further follow up and larger case numbers will give more information about the success of dental implants as a treatment modality in maxillofacial defects patients , the actual results are encouraged and can be recommended for similar cases.
大家好!我是谌福慧,她是唐月,我们是同班同学,我俩有一个共同的爱好--电脑。去年9 月我俩一起参加了成都市青少年宫英特尔电脑小博士工作室的电脑培训班,培训之前,我们一直以
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摘 要:《鲁宾逊漂流记》是笛福现实主义的一部力作,成为西方理想殖民主义意识形态的经典代表。而库切以小说的形式,通过改变原故事的叙述者,向殖民主义发起了有力的冲击。  关键词:现实主义 权力 殖民  库切的《福》是对18世纪英国作家笛福的《鲁宾逊漂流记》的改写。值得注意的是在库切的笔下,故事的叙述者变成了白人女性苏珊·巴顿。本文将从对传统现实主义小说的质疑、二元结构的破坏两个方面来讨论库切将叙述视角
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