1970年,毛泽东和过去的老战友们,已经很少有闲暇时间互相来往。 “文革”开始不久,八十高龄的朱老总也未能避免“文革”炮火的攻击。一时间,中南海内外贴出污蔑他是“军阀”、“黑司令”、“老机会主义者”的大字报。毛泽东得知后,在一次约见北京卫戍区司令员傅崇碧时曾对这些大字报提出过批评。他说:“这很不好,朱毛朱毛,朱德和毛泽东是分不开的嘛。”
In 1970, Mao Zedong and his old foes had rarely had time to interact with each other. Soon after the “Cultural Revolution”, 80-year-old Zhu Laochu also failed to avoid the “Cultural Revolution” artillery fire attacks. For a time, Zhongnanhai and China posted posters that defamed him as “warlords,” “black commanders,” and “old opportunists.” After Mao Tse-tung learned that he once criticized these posters when he met with Fu Chongbi, Commander of the Beijing Garrison Command. He said: “This is not good. Zhu Ma, Zhu De and Mao Zedong are inseparable.”