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近年来,随着交通量的增大,超限运输车辆的增多,对公路桥梁的通行能力和承载能力要求越来越高。而在农村公路很多桥梁仍在超龄使用,旧桥老化、破损现象严重,相当一部分三、四类桥梁都在正常通行,使农村公路存在较大的安全隐患。如何破解困难,在现有形势下更好的管理、养护现役桥梁,维持桥梁的完好工作状态,延长桥梁使用寿命,应当引起公路管理部门高度重视。对现阶段农村公路桥梁养护的现状、桥梁各部位检查的方法和桥梁养护预防措施等作了介绍。 In recent years, with the increase of traffic volume, the increase of overloaded transport vehicles, the increasing demands on the capacity and carrying capacity of highway bridges. However, many bridges in rural roads are still being over-aged. The aging of old bridges and the damage are serious. A considerable part of the third and fourth types of bridges are in normal circulation, making rural roads have greater potential safety problems. How to solve the difficulties, how to better manage and maintain the existing bridges under the current situation, maintain the intact working conditions of the bridges and extend the service life of the bridges should be given high priority by the highway administrations. This paper introduces the current situation of the maintenance of rural road bridges, the inspection methods of all parts of bridges and the preventive measures of bridge maintenance.
本文拟从制度变迁理论中正式约束和非正式约束相互关系的原理出发 ,对俄罗斯 1 992年以来的经济转轨战略进行探讨。研究表明 ,制度变迁是一个艰难的费时间的渐进过程 ,激进的
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
埃迪·豪斯Eddie House    出身于2000年选秀第二轮第8顺位的埃迪-豪斯,跑得不够快,跳得不够高,却愣是凭借着一手出神入化的三分功夫在联盟站稳了脚步。职业生涯中的每个赛季,豪斯的场均上场时间都未能超过20分钟,但是正是在这不到2c分钟的时间里,豪斯总能带领一帮替补打出精彩纷呈的乱仗,在防守者还在思考着下一步他将要做出什么动作时,他已经张牙舞爪地连射数枚冷箭。作为替补球员,豪斯的杀手锏