嘉狄尼(Giardini,指意大利威尼斯95双年展场的大院——译者)一片宁静,格拉西宫的展厅几近空荡。上月中旬来馆观看威尼斯双年展第一部分,即引展部分的观众没有前来观看双年展第二部分的市民们多。展览情况每次都差不多,开幕那天,喋喋不休的观众蜂拥而入,并左顾右盼,面面相觑,像电影卡萨布兰卡中的克罗德·雷恩斯(Claude Rains)那样,他们大为诧异,为双年展中的一些糟糕的作品感到惊讶。然后在哈瑞酒吧里,就双年展的拙劣可笑高谈阔论。 我本人也曾是其中一员,遗憾的是,今年我毫无情绪。威尼斯确实美得很,然而,倘若让我在美国馆内等上两个小时才能观看
Giardini is quiet, and Palacio de Gracie is almost empty. The first part of the Venice Biennale came to the Museum during the middle of last month. There was a large audience of viewers who did not come to watch the second part of the biennale. The exhibitions were about the same every time, and on the opening day the chattering audiences flocked in and looked round and looked at each other with great surprise, as Claude Rains in the film Casablanca did for the Biennale Some of the bad works surprised. Then at Harley’s Bar, talk about the bizarre ridiculous rhetoric of the biennial. I myself was one of them, but unfortunately I have no emotions this year. Venice is indeed very beautiful, however, if let me wait in the United States Museum two hours to watch