作者对22名普通变异性免疫缺陷(common variable immunodeficiency,C V I D)病人和16名选择性lgA缺乏(SI AD)病人及20名(男16、女4)对照组进行研究,包括:耳鼻咽喉疾病现病史和过去史的仔细填写;都做鼻腔和鼻咽的纤维窥镜检查;行Andersen氏鼻粘膜纤毛功能试验;取距鼻尖约4 cm的下鼻甲表面组织作扫描电镜观察;并用鼻咽拭子分离细菌。结果:(1)CV I D组中,纤毛细胞数减少的8例,增加的1例;纤毛方向、形态、大小、微管数异常的12例;9例上皮化生,14例缺少衬里细胞,有时上皮细胞广泛缺失,18例上皮脱屑增加;5例杯
The authors studied 22 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) and 16 patients with selective IgA deficiency (SI AD) and 20 controls (male 16 and female 4), including: otolaryngology History and history of the past to fill in carefully; have done nasal and nasopharyngeal fiber endoscopy; line Andersen’s nasal mucociliary function test; taken from the tip of the inferior turbinate surface tissue for scanning electron microscopy; and nasopharyngeal swab Isolate bacteria. Results: (1) In CV ID group, there were 8 cases in which the number of ciliated cells decreased, 1 case increased, 12 cases in which cilia direction, morphology, size and number of microtubules were abnormal. 9 cases had epithelial metaplasia, 14 cases lack lining cells, Epidermal cells are sometimes extensively deleted, with 18 cases of epithelial scaling; 5 cases of cup