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小学数学教学中,学生们在进行数学问题解决的过程中,问题解决的能力存在着差异,能够对数学中的问题顺利解决的学生往往具有理解能力比较强和想象能力比较丰富等特点,能够根据数学题目中的文字阅读进行数量关系判断,这时数学问题解决的重要基础内容,而更多的学生则需要借助于一定的直观观察工具才能够更好的对数学问题理解和解决。因此,在小学数学的教学中,教师们需要在引导学生们解决问题的基础上对学生们的画图能力和解图的能力有效培养和提升,将数学题目中的数量关系以更直观的方式表示出来,促进学生们加深对题目的理解。 In primary mathematics teaching, students have the ability to solve problems in the process of solving mathematical problems. Students who can solve the problems in mathematics often have the ability of comprehension and imagination, Mathematics problems in reading the text to determine the relationship between quantity, then an important basis for solving mathematical problems, and more students need to rely on some intuitive observation tools to be able to better understand and solve mathematical problems. Therefore, in the teaching of elementary mathematics, teachers need to effectively train and improve students’ abilities of drawing ability and solution drawing based on guiding students to solve problems, and to express the quantitative relationship of mathematics problems in a more intuitive way , To promote students to deepen the understanding of the topic.
初中语文教师不仅在学科上承担重要的教学任务,而且在学生品德塑造方面也起着其他学科不能替代的作用。因而,用语文育人是语文教师培养学生的真谛,让学生在快乐中学语文,用语文。初中阶段面对巨大的升学压力,化压力为动力,在不知不觉中,在轻松快乐里学好语文,最要紧的是怎样营造轻松、快乐的语文学习气氛。   一、用人格感召学生   语文教师首先自身要“硬”。这里的“硬”不仅仅指教师的业务素质、课堂教学艺术,更重