一、引言自从1919年第一届国际劳工大会召开以来,为建立各项活动的统一标准,国际劳工组织(ILO)就开始制定各种国际劳工公约和建议书。 155号公约与164号建议书是1981年国际劳工祖织第六十七届大会通过的,其中心议题是职业安全与卫生和工作条件的改善。国际劳工公约与建议书在结构与法律观点上有一个基本不同点。国际公约一旦被成员国政府所批准,
I. INTRODUCTION Since the inception of the first International Labor Conference in 1919, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has started to formulate various international labor conventions and recommendations for the establishment of uniform standards for various activities. Conventions Nos. 155 and 164 were adopted by the Sixtieth Session of the International Labor Organization, 1981, centered on the improvement of occupational safety and health and working conditions. International Labor Conventions and Recommendations have a fundamental difference in structure and law. Once an international convention is approved by a member government,