在广西大化县岩滩库区,记者看到库区子女上学难主要表现在三个方面:一是学校设施简陋,危房严重,目前有53所校点的危房威胁师生安全;二是上学交通不便, 移民子女上学大多靠竹筏或舢板船,安全事故时有发生;三是移民家庭因交不起学费而失学,仅2005年失学、辍学的就有467人。另据悉,大化县移民劳动力中,文盲、半文盲占了65%。
In Yanbian Reservoir Area of Dahua County in Guangxi Province, the reporter saw difficulties in schooling for children in the reservoir area mainly in three aspects. First, the school facilities were shabby and serious dangerous buildings. At present, 53 dilapidated buildings in schools threaten the safety of teachers and students; second, they go to school Traffic inconvenience, immigrant children mostly rely on bamboo rafts or stern boats, accidents have occurred from time to time; Third, migrant families because they can not afford to pay tuition and out of school, only 2005 out of school, there are 467 drop out of school. It is also reported that in the immigrant labors of Dahua County, illiteracy and semi-illiteracy accounted for 65%.