“华月”是以“金冠”作母本,“华富”(富士花药培育品种)作父本杂交育成的苹果品种。2010年4月通过辽宁省农作物品种备案。该品种果实圆柱形,果形指数0.90。平均单果重200.0 g,果皮底色黄绿色,贮藏后逐渐变为黄色,阳面带红晕,平滑光洁,无果锈,外观美丽。种子呈黄褐色,百粒重6.4 g,平均单果种子数10粒。果肉黄白色,肉质松脆、中细、汁液多,有富士苹果风味,风味酸甜适度,品质上等。果实硬度7.00 kg/cm2,可溶性固形物含量15.00%。植株树势较强,早结性好,产量高。高接在4
“Hua Yue ” is based on “Golden Delicious ” as the mother, “Wafu ” (Fuji anther cultivars) as the male parent breed apple varieties. April 2010 Liaoning Province through crop varieties for the record. The variety of fruit cylindrical, fruiting index 0.90. The average fruit weight 200.0 g, peel yellow-green, yellow gradually after storage, the sun with a flush, smooth, rust-free, beautiful appearance. Seeds were yellow-brown, 100-grain weight 6.4 g, the average number of seeds 10 seeds. Flesh yellow-white, succulent crisp, medium fine, juicy, Fuji apple flavor, sweet and sour flavor, quality first-class. Fruit firmness 7.00 kg / cm2, soluble solids content 15.00%. Strong plant tree, early knot good, high yield. High pick in 4