随着香港回归日期的日益临近,香港的前景如何,未来发展能否保持长期繁荣稳定,成为世人普遍关注的焦点。 决定香港未来发展的主要有内部因素,如香港自身的因素;外部因素,如中国因素(或称内地因素)、亚太及世界因素等。随着香港回归祖国,中国因素的影响越来越明显,也越来越大。因此,本文主要分析一下中国因素对未来香港发展的影响。
With the approaching date of Hong Kong’s return to Hong Kong, what are the future prospects of Hong Kong? Whether the future development can maintain its long-term prosperity and stability has become a common focus of the world. The main factors that determine the future development of Hong Kong are internal factors such as Hong Kong’s own factors and external factors such as China’s factor (or mainland factor), Asia Pacific and the world’s factors. With the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, the influence of the Chinese factor has become more and more evident and greater and greater. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the impact of China on the future development of Hong Kong.