Desulfurization of Nickel Pyrrhotite by Steam in the Microwave Field

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangbaolin
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Desulfurization of Ni pyrrhotite by steam in the microwave field was studied. According to the experimental data, the desulfurization rate by microwave heating is faster than that by conventional one. The desulfurization reaction is in a non-isothermal state and in a diffusion control because of the effect of chemical reaction heat, phase formation and intrinsic properties of materials of microwave absorbability. When the flow rate of steam was in the range of 180~220 mL/min, the temperature and desulfurization rate approached to a maximum and the activation energy to a minimum. Desulfurization of Ni pyrrhotite by steam in the microwave field was studied. According to the experimental data, the desulfurization rate by microwave heating is faster than that by conventional one. The desulfurization reaction is in a non-isothermal state and in a diffusion control because of the effect of chemical reaction heat, phase formation and intrinsic properties of materials of microwave absorbability. When the flow rate of steam was in the range of 180 ~ 220 mL / min, the temperature and desulfurization rate approached to a maximum and the activation energy to a minimum.
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