在現用教科書里,電子電量(e)和阿伏加德羅數(N)所採用的數值順次是4.80×1O~(-10)和6.02×10~(23);但是幾年以前,在當時的教科書裹,我們看見的却是e=4.77×10~(-10)靜電單位,而N=6.06×10~(23)/克分子。這其間,也許有人會發生這樣的疑問:到底這兩個數值是怎樣演變出來的呢? 這篇短文企圖對此作一簡單的叙述,以供大家參考。我們知道,e和N的關係被體現於e=F/N(式中F是法拉第常數)這一簡單的公式中,顯然有着密切的聯系。可以看出,在測定上只要其中有一個獲得了新的結果,則另一个也就會隨之而發生變化,其間很明顯地有着相互推動的作用。而從事實上看來,歷史的發展情勢也正是如此。
In the current textbook, the numerical values used for the electronic electricity (e) and the Avogadro’s number (N) are 4.80 × 10 ~ (-10) and 6.02 × 10 ~ (23), respectively; but a few years ago, Textbook package, we see that it is e = 4.77 × 10 ~ (-10) electrostatic units, and N = 6.06 × 10 ~ (23) / mole. In the meantime, some people may wonder how exactly these two values evolved? This essay attempts to give a brief account of this for your reference. We know that the relationship between e and N is manifest in the simple formula of e = F / N (F is Faraday’s constant). It can be seen that as soon as one of the determinations has obtained a new result, the other one will change accordingly, during which time it is clear that there is a mutual promotion effect. In fact, it seems that the historical development of the situation is also true.