东省出版总社于1997年相继推出了一批CD-ROM光盘,其规模、质量均堪称电子出版物中的力作,既为图书出版社在电子出版领域站稳脚跟进行了有益的探索,也以此树立了在电子出版界中山东军团的良好形象。内容丰富、制作精细的历史知识光盘——《中国百年史》,无论是在选题思路,还是制作水平等各个方面均是其中的上乘之作。 由今上溯百多年,是中华民族阅尽苦难、受尽屈辱的历史,也是中国人民不屈不挠、抗争崛起、励精图治的历史。它时时警示着国人:不忘耻辱,自强不息。《中国百年史》的选题策划思路正是基于这一点。
In 1997, the Publishing House of East Province issued a series of CD-ROMs in succession. The scale and quality of the CD-ROMs are both masterpieces of electronic publications. This not only provides useful exploration for the publishing houses to gain a firm foothold in the field of electronic publishing, It also established a good image of the Shandong Corps in the electronic publishing industry. Content rich, well-produced CD-ROM of historical knowledge - “China’s century history”, both in the selection of ideas, or the production level and other aspects are among the superior. It is a history of the Chinese nation who has done all its hardships and subjected to humiliation and humiliation. It is also a history of the Chinese people, who are perseverance, struggle against the rise and exert every effort to achieve good governance. It always alert people: never forget shame, self-improvement. It is based on this idea that the topic of “China’s Hundred-year History” is planned and planned.