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儿时,总有这么一首歌在我们的耳畔响起——《春天在哪里》,“春天就在小朋友的眼睛里,这里有红花呀这里有绿草,还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂……”而作为数学教师,我们应该思考:数学在哪里?或许有人会不假思索地回答:数学就在课本上、课堂中。其实不然,数学更在善于观察的学生的“眼睛”里。一、数学写作之——数学有趣有趣的争论2年级(1)班谢燕萍符号王国里的事儿可真有趣,大家快看,城里有加、 There was always such a song in my ears when I was young - “Where is spring?” “Spring is in the eyes of children. There are red flowers here, green grass, and small singing Oriole ... ... ”And as a math teacher, we should think: Where is math? Someone may answer without hesitation: Math is in the textbook, in the classroom. In actual fact, mathematics is better at observing the students “eyes ”. First, the mathematical writing - Mathematical interesting and interesting debate Grade 2 (1) Class Xie Yanping symbols Kingdom of the things can be really fun, we see, the city has added,
植物也和人一样,是富有情感的。它们会表现出恐惧、忧虑、愤怒、惊慌、痛苦、呻吟、高兴、悲哀等丰富的情感。   澳大利亚的一位科学家发现,每当植物缺少水分时,植物用以吸水的毛细管就会颤动起来,发出一种类似“呻吟”的声音。科学家用一架微型录音机和植物的基部相连接,录下这种奇特的声音。这一发现对培育新的抗旱植物,了解作物的缺水状况有着很大的帮助。   美国科学家进行了一项有趣的实验,在一间房内放入两棵植物