Exploring sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean for El Ni(n)o prediction: implication for targ

来源 :海洋湖沼学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjc444
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Based on initial errors of sea temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean that are most likely to induce spring predictability barrier (SPB) for the El Ni(n)o prediction,the sensitive area of sea temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean for El Ni(n)o prediction starting from January is identified using the CESM1.0.3 (Community Earth System Model),a fully coupled global climate model.The sensitive area locates mainly in the subsurface of eastern Indian Ocean.The effectiveness of applying targeted observation in the sensitive area is also evaluated in an attempt to improve the El Ni(n)o prediction skill.The results of sensitivity experiments indicate that if initial errors exist only in the tropical Indian Ocean,applying targeted observation in the sensitive area in the Indian Ocean can significantly improve the El Ni(n)o prediction.In particular,for SPB-related El Ni(n)o events,when initial errors of sea temperature exist both in the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean,which is much closer to the realistic predictions,if targeted observations are conducted in the sensitive area of tropical Pacific,the prediction skills of SPB-related El Ni(n)o events can be improved by 20.3% in general.Moreover,if targeted observations are conducted in the sensitive area of tropical Indian Ocean in addition,the improvement of prediction skill can be increased by 25.2%.Considering the volume of sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean is about 1/3 of that in the tropical Pacific Ocean,the prediction skill improvement per cubic kilometer in the sensitive area of tropical Indian Ocean is competitive to that of the tropical Pacific Ocean.Additional to the sensitive area of the tropical Pacific Ocean,sensitive area of the tropical Indian Ocean is also a very effective and cost-saving area for the application of targeted observations to improve El Ni(n)o forecast skills.
摘 要:“一带一路”倡议为中国企业带来了广阔的发展前景,使中国企业可以大胆地“走出去”谋发展、谋出路。而在中国企业参与“一带一路”建设的过程中,我们必须要明确中国企业在海外东道国的社会责任问题。本文针对“一带一路”实施过程中的企业社会责任问题进行了探讨,并结合现实情况提出了几点解决策略。  关键词:“一帶一路”;企业社会责任;问题及对策  一、“一带一路”实施过程中企业面临的社会责任问题  所谓企
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