就像寻常人家里一样,纽约西屋酒店也拥有自己动静分离的休息室——The Den。只不过相对来说,这里的装饰更为豪华。外侧,大理石吧台后珍藏着琳琅满目的美酒,以供客人闲暇时小酌。两只桉木立柱分隔开动静区域,四盏壁灯垂下的金属链条好似项链一样挂在立柱的脖颈,给这深色得有些沉闷的格调忽的带来一丝珠光宝气。
立柱内侧,一系列不拘一格的家俬经过层层挑选:人造仿古式的壁炉落座在墙角,背光的书架装饰在壁炉的两侧。书架上的陈列皆是航海及水手主题的收藏品,以此来纪念上世纪50年代曾经开设于此栋建筑内的“美人鱼”餐厅。斟上一杯酒店招牌鸡尾酒——The Oldie But Goodie,手捧一册航海家日志,坐在温暖的壁炉旁研读那书中描述的奇异世界,真可谓酒不醉人人自醉!
Adjacent to the lobby and offering alcoholic beverages, and non-alcoholic refreshments, and culinary offerings in the evening The Densuggests a well-appointed living room divided into multiple seating areas, and features a carefulselection of eclectic furniture pieces, as well as an intimate bar. On each of the dark columnsclad in eucalyptus wood that stand throughout the room are sconces with hanging braided metal chains, which look as if the fixtures are bejeweled with anecklace.
The focal point of The Den,located on the south wall, is an antique cast iron faux fireplace with Deco-inspired detailing.Backlitbookshelves with decorative metal rails flank each side of the fireplace. On thebookshelves, accessories were selected based on a nautical theme to honor The MermaidRoom, a popular restaurant and bar in the 1950s that was previously located on the property.
(酒店内的172间客房,整体灰白糅合的同色系色调紧贴“家外之家”主题,同时透出一丝旧时代好莱坞式的魅力。这也惹得杰克·格里森(Jackie Gleason)和梅·韦斯特(Mae West)等一众明星在卡内基音乐厅表演时独爱住在此地。
The WestHouse guestrooms carry on the “house away from home” themewith a soothing tone-on-tonepalette, and include references to old Hollywood glamour, inspiredby iconic Carnegie Hallperformers like Mae West and Jackie Gleason, who were past residents of the hotel.)
立柱内侧,一系列不拘一格的家俬经过层层挑选:人造仿古式的壁炉落座在墙角,背光的书架装饰在壁炉的两侧。书架上的陈列皆是航海及水手主题的收藏品,以此来纪念上世纪50年代曾经开设于此栋建筑内的“美人鱼”餐厅。斟上一杯酒店招牌鸡尾酒——The Oldie But Goodie,手捧一册航海家日志,坐在温暖的壁炉旁研读那书中描述的奇异世界,真可谓酒不醉人人自醉!
Adjacent to the lobby and offering alcoholic beverages, and non-alcoholic refreshments, and culinary offerings in the evening The Densuggests a well-appointed living room divided into multiple seating areas, and features a carefulselection of eclectic furniture pieces, as well as an intimate bar. On each of the dark columnsclad in eucalyptus wood that stand throughout the room are sconces with hanging braided metal chains, which look as if the fixtures are bejeweled with anecklace.
The focal point of The Den,located on the south wall, is an antique cast iron faux fireplace with Deco-inspired detailing.Backlitbookshelves with decorative metal rails flank each side of the fireplace. On thebookshelves, accessories were selected based on a nautical theme to honor The MermaidRoom, a popular restaurant and bar in the 1950s that was previously located on the property.
(酒店内的172间客房,整体灰白糅合的同色系色调紧贴“家外之家”主题,同时透出一丝旧时代好莱坞式的魅力。这也惹得杰克·格里森(Jackie Gleason)和梅·韦斯特(Mae West)等一众明星在卡内基音乐厅表演时独爱住在此地。
The WestHouse guestrooms carry on the “house away from home” themewith a soothing tone-on-tonepalette, and include references to old Hollywood glamour, inspiredby iconic Carnegie Hallperformers like Mae West and Jackie Gleason, who were past residents of the hotel.)