“七·一”,中国共产党的诞生日,从1921年7月1日那个映着朝霞的黎明,到二万五千里长征,到艰难的八年抗战,到解放全中国,到20年前开始的改革开放,中国共产党,这个世界上最大的执政党,以其永为人民谋幸福的不变追求,向世人昭示着她的尤荣与伟大。数十年来,在她鲜艳的旗帜下,一批又一批英雄儿女茁壮成长,他们用青春和热血,为党旗添彩,为祖国和人民增辉。 本期特别报道,介绍的是三名普通共产党员在平凡岗位上作出的不平凡业绩。他们用行动证明了人民警察服务人民、维护稳定的赤胆忠诚,他们是共产党员的代表,是广大公安民警学习的榜样。
On July 1, the birth day of the Chinese Communist Party was from Dawn on the morning of July 1, 1921, to the Long March of 25,000 miles, to the difficult eight-year war of resistance against Japan, to the liberation of all China, and to 20 years ago At the beginning of the reform and opening up, the Chinese Communist Party, the largest ruling party in the world, demonstrated her elegance and greatness to the world with its unwavering pursuit of seeking happiness for the people. For decades, under her bright banner, herds of heroes and children have thrived after another. With their youth and blood, they have brightened their banner for the party and increased their brightness for the motherland and the people. This special issue introduces the extraordinary performance of three ordinary Communist Party members in their extraordinary positions. They have proved that the people’s police serve the people and maintain a steady and sincere loyalty. They represent the Communist Party members and are examples for the police in general.