引子 司堃范,何许人也?国际医护界的最高荣誉、国际红十字会南丁格尔奖章获得者,原北京市朝阳红十字医院外科护士长。退休之前,她所做的一切,都印证了她与老伴订婚时发出的那个时代所特有的豪言壮语:“护士职业崇高而伟大,要一生燃烧自己,温暖别人,上夜班,节假日不休,你要支持我。”老伴没有食言,婆婆带大了他们的两个孩子,老伴带大了外孙女。退休前曾但任过市热力公司经理、公用局书记的老
Prosecutors Division Kun Fan, whomever also? The highest honor international medical community, the Red Cross Florence Nightingale medal winner, former Beijing Chaoyang Red Cross Hospital surgical nurse. What she did before her retirement confirmed her rhetoric peculiar to the time she was engaged with her husband: “Nurses are lofty and great in profession, have a lifetime of burning themselves, warmth, night work, and holidays, and you have to support Me. ”His wife did not eat a word, her mother brought their two children, his wife brought a granddaughter. Before retirement, but served as the city thermal manager, secretary of the Public Bureau of the old