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花场近临界油气藏具有以下特性:①在近临界区域,当地层压力低于泡点压力时,挥发油液相体积随压力的降低急剧减小;而地层压力低于露点压力时,凝析气反凝析液相体积会随压力的降低而急剧增大。②近临界油具有气油比、地层体积系数及收缩率高的特性。③近临界态油气藏井内静压梯度出现倒置的异常现象,即压力梯度自上而下降低;开始生产一段时间后,随着地层压力的不断下降,静压梯度曲线的形态也逐渐变化;当地层压力降至一定程度后,这种异常现象随即消失。④在开采过程中,近临界油气藏的生产气油比随地层压力的下降呈先下降后持续升高的现象,而常规凝析气藏的气油比随地层压力的下降持续升高。 The near-critical oil and gas reservoirs in flower field have the following characteristics: ① In the near-critical region, when the formation pressure is lower than the bubble point pressure, the volume of the volatile oil phase decreases drastically with the decrease of the pressure. When the formation pressure is lower than the dew point pressure, Anti-condensate liquid phase volume will increase sharply with the decrease of pressure. ② near-critical oil with gas-oil ratio, formation volume coefficient and high shrinkage characteristics. ③ In the near-critical oil and gas reservoir, the static pressure gradient in the well is inverted. That is, the pressure gradient decreases from the top to the bottom. After the production begins for a period of time, the static pressure gradient changes gradually as the formation pressure decreases. After the layer pressure drops to a certain extent, this anomaly disappears immediately. ④ During the mining process, the gas-oil ratio of the near-critical oil and gas reservoirs dropped first and then continued to increase with the decrease of formation pressure, whereas the gas-oil ratio of conventional condensate gas reservoirs continued to increase with the decrease of formation pressure.
3月28日,集团公司总经理任晓善在工会礼堂召开的2002年经营管理年会上的总结讲话中强调指出,全体员工要开拓进取,革故鼎新,与时俱进,为创造泸天化美好的明天而奋斗。 On Ma
一、兰球运动的起源及其产生的经过(一) 兰球运动的起源兰球运动起源于美国,在1891年12月25日(圣诞节前夕),由麻省春田大学詹姆士·奈史密斯博士设计发明的。 First, the o