Lethargy, breast discomfort, vaginal bleeding, etc. are mothers often encountered problems, how to deal with it? Mo panic, this issue of the new mother invited experts to teach you calm to deal with discomfort during pregnancy. Come and lectures! Mommy warming up TEST1. Bleeding during pregnancy must be a sign of threatened abortion. A is B is not 2. Mothers should be timely oral treatment of pregnancy, or pregnancy may be hidden. A is B is not 3. During early pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone changes will stimulate the breast and breast enlargement, causing breast pain. A is B is not pregnancy bleeding mother asked 1. 46 days of pregnancy, B-test results have hematuria, is a threatened abortion? How should I do? Pregnant mother asked 2. Five o’clock in the morning on the bathroom and found underwear on the brown Blood stains, wipes also found on the toilet paper is a sign of abortion do?