中国曾有过以丝绸衣料影响西方的光辉历史,但自1840年,也就是中国近代史揭开序幕时起,人们感受更多的是西服东渐。 我曾经设立过一个题为“服饰百年路”的专栏,分别以“西风吹面立苍茫”,“春潮带雨晚来急”,“乱红渐欲迷人眼”,“半江瑟瑟半江红”,“商女不知亡国恨”来记述20世纪前五十年的服饰演变历程。以“东风夜放花千树”,“不爱红妆爱武装”、“乍暖还寒时候”、“云鬓衣影一时新”、“春城无处不飞花”来记述20世纪后五十年的服饰发展情
There was a glorious history in China of influencing the West with silks and garments, but since 1840, when the modern history of China was unveiled, people felt more about East suit. I once set up a column titled “A hundred Years of Costumes” with the columns of “West Wing Blows up the boundless sky,” “Spring Comes with Rain late, urgently”, “ Red ”,“ business women do not know the country hate ”to describe the first half of the 20th century clothing evolution. In the last fifty years of the twentieth century, “Thousands of Trees in the East Wind Night,” “Do not Love Red Makeup, Love, Love, Armor,” “Warmth before the Moon,” " Clothing development situation