齿龈内阿米巴(Entamoeba gingivalis Eg)是寄生于人及许多哺乳类动物口腔内牙龈组织的共栖型口腔原虫,自Gross(1849)发现口腔有E.g,至今已有150年。长期以来,许多学者认为它是共栖型无致病性原虫,但随着大量流行病学调查显示牙周病患者齿龈内阿米巴的感染率明显高于健康人群。
Entamoeba gingivalis Eg is a symbiotic protozoan protozoan parasitized in the oral gingival tissues of humans and many mammalian species. It has been found in about 150 years since Gross (1849) that the oral cavity has E.g. For a long time, many scholars believe that it is a commensal non-pathogenic protozoa, but with a large number of epidemiological surveys show that patients with periodontal disease, the infection rate of gingival amoeba was significantly higher than healthy people.