
来源 :国外医学参考资料.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fang19902009
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有关青年鼻咽血管纤维瘤的发生及治疗众说纷云,本文作如下讨论: 一、肿瘤发生及来源:Brunner(1942)给男、女胚胎的鼻咽部作连续切片,以搜寻可能发生鼻咽血管纤维瘤之特殊结构,Brunner提出,蝶骨的骨膜与基底筋膜是分离的,基底筋膜是构成上咽部的纤维腱膜,它覆盖于鼻咽部上壁及后壁,在这个筋膜中可以找到很多血管,中间部尤多,不少血管具有大的腔隙和单层内皮血管壁,因此Brunner认为基底筋膜可能是血管纤维瘤的发源地。Ringertz(1938)提出,纤维性肿瘤可能发源于骨膜,这些骨膜发生于胚板(embryonal plate),如覆盖于蝶骨体、枕骨基底突、 There are many opinions about the occurrence and treatment of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in young people. This article discusses as follows: I. Tumor development and origin: Brunner (1942) serially slicing the nasopharynx of male and female embryos to search for possible occurrence of nasopharyngeal The special structure of angiofibroma, Brunner proposed that the periosteum of the sphenoid bone is separated from the basal fascia. The basal fascia is the fibrous aponeurosis that constitutes the upper pharyngeal region. It covers the upper and posterior walls of the nasopharynx. Many blood vessels can be found in the membrane, especially in the middle, many blood vessels have large lacunae and single endothelial vascular walls, so Brunner believes that the basement fascia may be the birthplace of angiofibroma. Ringertz (1938) proposed that fibrous tumors may originate from the periosteum, which occurs in the embryonic plate, such as the sphenoid body, occipital basal process,
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