The authors reported one case of eosinophilic granuloma in the sacrum. The patient is 2 years old and male. During the three-month period of the subject’s statement, the left ear was pused and swollen after two months. Local examination showed that the growth of a tumor in the posterior wall of the left external auditory canal obstructed the ear canal. The tympanic membrane could not be seen. There was a large amount of pus, and the left ear was prominently raised without facial paralysis. The X-ray showed a wide range of bone defects in the left iliac crest. After anesthesia with general anesthesia, incision of the periosteum can be seen with yellowish-brown bleeding mass, soft and covered, with clear boundaries between healthy tissue and extensive patella invasion. The latter half is occupied by the tumor and the ossicle remains partially. The facial nerve has no bones, and the sacrum is cut open from the top of the sacrum. After exposing the healthy meninges, the tumors that connect with the meninges are detached, and they are scraped as much as possible. The semicircular canal and the vestibule are all invaded by the tumor.