Potential Threats From Bank IT System Outages We are in a dynamic environment where potential threats come as businesses rely more on business operations for network and IT technologies, Interruption leading to business-critical interruptions! This interruption may be fatal. According to statistics, in the event of a disaster, about 50% of enterprises without business continuity plans will suffer from competitiveness and 43% of enterprises that suffer serious data loss will no longer be able to open business. Depending on the industry, lost revenue per hour of downtime ranges from $ 330,000 to $ 2.8 million, with an average loss of $ 1.01 million. What kind of threat can lead to business interruption? In fact, to maintain business continuity, the biggest threat is not from the small probability and big disaster such as fire and earthquake. On the contrary, the business of the enterprise is more affected by such as Personnel errors, process defects and other threats. Although they are far less economically influential than major catastrophes, they are constantly lurking around the enterprise and can be fatal at any time.