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《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》指出:“关心每个学生,促进每个学生主动地、生动活泼地发展,尊重教育规律和学生身心发展规律,为每个学生提供适合的教育。”这其实就是对因材施教的诠释。因此,在当前素质教育的大背景下研究探讨“因材施教”思想,不仅具有历史的借鉴价值,而且具有积极的现实意义。一、盘活教师资源,打磨因材施教的铺路石1.细心品读教师。教师是学校最重要的人力资源,作为学校领导,要从精神上尊重教师,从专业上引领 The Outline of the National Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan states: “Care for each student, promote the active and lively development of each student, respect the laws of education and the laws governing the physical and mental development of students, and provide each student with a proper education.” "This is actually an individualistic interpretation. Therefore, under the background of current quality education, it is not only valuable for history to explore but also to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes, but also has positive and practical significance. First, make an inventory of teacher resources, polish the paving stones taught according to their aptitude 1. Carefully reading the teacher. Teachers are the most important human resources in schools. As school leaders, they should mentally respect teachers and lead professionally