编辑同志: 前些日子我夫以种种理由和我闹离婚,我经不起他闹,通过有关部门调解与其达成了离婚协议,离婚后我发现他早在前年与一女子登记结婚。现我要告他重婚罪。离婚了,我还有没有这个资格了? 彩艳彩艳朋友: 根据刑法第258条的规定:“有配偶而重婚的,或者明知他人有配偶而与之结婚的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役”。重婚是指有配偶而重婚,或者明
Editing Comrades: In a few days ago, when I divorced me for various reasons, I could not stand his trouble and reached a divorce agreement with the relevant departments through mediation. After the divorce, I found out that he was married to a woman as early as the year before. Now I want to sue him for a bigamy. Divorce, I still do not have this qualifications? Colorful colorful friends: According to the provisions of article 258 of the Criminal Law: “spouse and bigamy, or knowing that others have a spouse and get married, shall be sentenced to not more than two years in prison Or detention ”. Bigamy is a bigamy with a spouse, or a bright one