半年前,我那“养在深闺”的电脑终于与网络联姻了。记得头一次上网,就像没见过世面的乡里孩子进了城,一个个新奇的“窗口”,一块块醒目的“路标”常常弄得我左顾右盼、上窜下跳。 我的工作整天都与文字打交道,一旦陷进网络,便很快发现:多年来形成的咬文嚼字、精阅细
Six months ago, my computer that was “well-kept” was finally married to the Internet. I remember that the first time I was on the Internet, it was like a country boy who hadn’t seen the world go to town. There were novel “windows”, and the eye-catching “signposts” often made me look around and jump up and down. My job is dealing with words all day long. Once I get stuck in the network, I quickly discover that: Over the years, the formation of the word, fine reading fine