2006年7月1日,欧盟《关于在电子电器设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》(简称 RoHS 指令)将正式执行,这将与此前欧盟《废弃电子电气设备指令》(简称 WEEE 指令)一起成为欧盟市场的绿色通行证。指令一旦实施,凡是不符合 RoHS 指令环保标准的电子产品都将被欧盟市场拒之门外。这对以高端电子产品为主要产品,以外销为主要利润增长点的国内安防企业来说,RoHS 提高了欧盟市场准入的门槛。RoHS 指令的施行无疑会对中国的安防企业产生巨大的影响。那么 RoHS 标准有哪些环保要求?RoHS 标准的实施将会对中
July 1, 2006, the European Union “on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment,” (RoHS Directive) will be officially implemented, which will be with the European Union "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) together To become the EU green passport market. Directive once implemented, those who do not comply with RoHS directive environmental standards of electronic products will be out of the EU market. This is to domestic high-end electronic products as the main product, the main profit growth point of export security companies, RoHS increased EU market access threshold. The implementation of the RoHS directive will undoubtedly have a huge impact on China’s security companies. So what RoHS requirements RoHS standards? RoHS implementation of the standard will be