SC 69型水份快速测定仪正确安装后,在使用过程中,光屏上出现不正常现象,如光度不强、有黑斑等。针对上述现象的调修(参见下图)方法如下: 1.光度不强:升降旋转光源灯座1和移动光源支架2,使聚光镜3和物镜4组成光轴线,让光聚成一个明亮的小点准确射入一次三角形反光镜5。如调整光源灯仍不能满足要求,可前后移动聚光简6进行调整。
SC 69 Moisture Analyzer after the correct installation, the use of the process, the screen appeared abnormal, such as low brightness, there are dark spots and so on. For the above phenomenon of repair (see below) method is as follows: 1. The photometric is not strong: lift the rotating light source lamp holder 1 and move the light source holder 2, the condenser lens 3 and objective lens 4 constitute the optical axis, so that the light together into a bright small Accurate injection into a triangle mirror 5. Such as adjusting the light source still can not meet the requirements, you can move the condenser before and after light 6 to adjust.