【摘 要】
In order to further strengthen the construction and improvement of villager autonomy system with democratic election,democratic decision making,democratic manag
【机 构】
Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Longyang District in Baoshan City,Baoshan University,
【出 处】
Asian Agricultural Research
In order to further strengthen the construction and improvement of villager autonomy system with democratic election,democratic decision making,democratic management,and democratic supervision of rural two committees with Chinese characteristics,experience of work team of Longyang District Agricultural Technology Extension Station dispatched to villager committees( or offices) and their guidance on election of rural two committees in 2007-2016 were used,and exploration was made for election of rural two committees from the third to the sixth committees. It summarized achievements and main problems in election of rural two committees and came up with pertinent recommendations.The results of this study are expected to provide certain reference for theory and practice of future villager autonomy.
In order to further strengthen the construction and improvement of villager autonomy system with democratic election, democratic decision making, democratic management, and democratic supervision of rural two committees with Chinese characteristics, experience of work team of Longyang District Agricultural Technology Extension Station dispatched to villager committees (or offices) and their guidance on election of rural two committees in 2007-2016 were used, and exploration was made for election of rural two committees from the third to the sixth committees. Ittributed achievements and main problems in election of rural two committees and came up with pertinent targets. the results of this study are expected to provide certain reference for theory and practice of future villager autonomy.
摘要:合作小组能及时发现自己小组的优点;并能找出存在的不足,在自己小组内提出存在的问题改进意见。在合作学习中,会提高更多学生的各方面能力。 关键词:数学课堂 合作学习 方法 合作《数学课程标准》中提出,在新课程背景下,我们的教学已不仅仅是传授知识,更主要的是为了培养学生学会自主探究、主动获取知识的能力;动手实践、自主探究、合作性学习是学生学习数学的重要方式。小组合作学习是学生自主学习的另一途径
摘 要:伴随我国对于新一轮的基础教育以及素质教育的改革推进,我国教育部门对于初中数学教学过程也相应地提出了新的要求。本文将以浙教版的初中数学教材为例,从教学方式、学生课堂习惯、对于现代化技术的应用以及学生课堂参与度这四方面展开讨论,为如何提高初中数学的教学效率提出几点建议。 关键词:浙教版 数学 教学效率 策略 一、前言 结合我国现阶段初中数学的实际教学状况来看,虽然在新课改的推动之下,數学
[摘要]数学教学中,无论采用什么样的教学方法,都应充分体现教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,激发他们的学习兴趣,并培养能力。 [关键词]小学 数学教学 导课 艺术 数学教学中,无论采用什么样的教学方法,都应充分体现教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。例如启发式教学,启发必须启而有“法”,“启”就是“导”,即精心设计问题,教师“导”得有法,就能调动学生的学习积极性和主动性
目的:观察平喘灵方治疗支气管哮喘急性发作期寒哮型的临床疗效,并初步探讨其治疗支气管哮喘的可能作用机理。 方法:将60例病人随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组用平喘灵方,对照
摘要:本文从“有效参与”的概念出发,以建构主义为理论依托,提出了一套在教学实际中有一定实践意义的高效课堂构建模式。我们认为,真正的有效参与应该是学生在学习过程中积极参与知识建构的全过程,并自觉运用观察、归纳、分析、抽象、演绎、概括等数学思维形式;在学习过程中始终伴随有快乐、革新等积极的情感品质,是行为、认知、情感三个方面的综合参与。 关键词:有效参与 行为参与 认知参与 情感参与 建构主义 1
在新课程改革中,探究性学习已经走进课堂教学,从而使得探究性学习进入高考试题的趋势不可阻挡。所以,在课堂教学中,教师应创设条件,引导学生参与自主探索。以学生的自主活动为主要方式,充分发挥教师是学生学习活动的组织者、引导者和合作者的作用。 引导探究,正本清源 苏霍姆林斯基说过:“任何一种教育现象, 孩子在越少感到教育者的意图时,它的教育效果就越大,我们把这条规律看成是教育技巧的核心”.针对学生由于