为了培养同学的发散思维和创新意识,并增强空间想象和图形表达能力,编题者刻意选拟了一些开放性的电功率题目.这些题不仅综合多种电学知识,而且要求同学依照题意自绘电路;其中不少题目若不绘出电路图,几乎无法解析.下面优选典型四例加以剖析.例1 电烙铁使用前需要预热,故暂时不用也要连接在电源上,这样既浪费电又会造成烙铁头氧化不易沾锡.为了改善这种不良状况,有时采用给电烙铁连接一个白炽灯和一个开关
In order to cultivate students’ divergent thinking and creative awareness, and to enhance spatial imagination and graphic expression skills, editors deliberately selected some open electric power topics. These questions not only integrate various kinds of electrical knowledge, but also require students to follow the question. Circuit; Many of these topics can not be resolved unless you draw a circuit diagram. The following is a typical example of four cases to be analyzed. Example 1 The iron needs to be warmed up before use, so it is not necessary to connect it to the power supply for the time being. This wastes electricity. The oxidation of the soldering tip is not easy to dip tin. In order to improve this unfavorable situation, it is sometimes used to connect an incandescent lamp and a switch to the electric iron.