转化是一种重要的思维方式。对于数量关系复杂、条件隐蔽的题目,如能用转化的方法,改变思维角度、变换思维方式,将问题从一种形式演变为另一种形式,就能变抽象为具体、变复杂为简单、化难为易,使问题迎刃而解。 1.从特殊入手,实现由复杂到简单的转化。 有些数学题,数字大、形式复杂,这时可依据原题型,从特殊入手,变复杂为简单,以便寻求规律,找到解题方法。
Conversion is an important way of thinking. For the complex relationship between the number of issues, if the conditions can be transformed, change the way of thinking, change the way of thinking, the problem evolved from one form to another form, you can change from abstract to concrete, complex to simple, The difficulty is easy, so that the problem can be solved. 1. From a special start, to achieve complex to simple transformation. Some math problems, the number of large, complex forms, then based on the original type, from the special start, complex as simple, in order to find the law, to find a solution to the problem.