1 顽固性呃逆 吉某,男,43岁。1996年3月28日初诊。半年前因情志抑郁而出现呃逆,呃 声频频,每因情志不舒而呃逆加重。曾多方求治,西医给予氯丙嗪、氟哌啶醇肌注及心痛定、阿普唑仑片口服,均未得到控制。刻诊:患者表情痛苦,伴胸胁掣痛,胃脘胀闷,舌苔薄白,脉弦细。证属肝阴亏虚,肝郁乘胃,胃气上逆。治宜养阴柔肝,疏肝和胃,降逆止呃。处方:生白芍、炙甘草各16g,枳壳、陈皮各12g,葛根、柿蒂、代赭石各10g,水煎服,服药4剂,呃逆及余症均明显减轻。效不更方,继服3剂,诸症均消。迄今两个月未发。
1 Obstinate disobedience Jimou, male, 43 years old. March 28, 1996, was newly diagnosed. Six months ago, due to emotional depression, there was disobedience and vocalization. Every time the emotions became worse, they became worse. Zeng Duofang sought treatment. Western medicine gave chlorpromazine, haloperidol intramuscularly, nifedipine, and alprazolam tablets were not controlled. Carved diagnosis: the patient’s expression is painful, accompanied by chest pain, abdominal pain, swelling of the stomach, tongue coating, thin white, pulse string. The card is a deficiency of liver yin, liver qi stagnation stomach, stomach Qi inverse. Expelling Yangyin Rougan, Shugan and stomach, Jiangni stop. Prescription: Health white peony, Zhigancao each 16g, Citrus aurantium, Citrus each 12g, Pueraria, Shidi, Daishishi each 10g, Shuijianbi, medication 4, hiccup and other symptoms were significantly reduced. The effect is not more square, followed by three doses, Zhu Zheng are eliminated. It has not been issued for two months.