The pattern of power in the late Qing Dynasty was quite different from that in the past, highlighting the growth of the gentry and its direct impact on local society through participation in local public affairs. In the last years of the Taoist era, the “official” warehousing model for a long time in Xiangtan was broken. The gentry began to cooperate in the construction of local justice warehouses and set up quasi-government permanent institutions, which directly controlled the rural justice warehouses. The government was unable to weaken the local gentlemen’s Power, justice warehouse management appeared “gentry run government officials ” situation. After the end of the New Deal in late Qing Dynasty, the Xiangtan government promoted local autonomy and the power of the traditional gentleman was challenged by the government and the new gentleman, deteriorating the relationship between the two. The alienation of the gentry not only affected the construction of Yicang, but also led the gentleman to the opposite of the Qing government.