For many companies, information and IT management are becoming a burden. Traditional companies’ intention to introduce IT tools and solutions is to use these tools to promote their own businesses - indeed, the combination of virtually any traditional business with IT and the Internet can bring about a new business model and direction - But companies are gradually finding themselves in a quagmire. Gradually high IT maintenance costs and the cost of updating and upgrading, so that a considerable number of enterprises overwhelmed. The proportion of pioneering investment in new businesses is gradually decreasing, and the investment in IT is gradually increasing. As a result, the investment of traditional enterprises in IT gradually deviates from the initial direction and is far from its original intention. The development of technologies such as SOA and SaaS makes it possible for enterprises to get rid of the traditional IT burden. The development of grid technology provides the possibility for the transformation and application of these technologies from the technical resources infrastructure. In this sense, the grid is changing the software and the world it depends on.