这些年,对中国体坛阴盛阳衰现状的感叹,可谓不绝于耳。每每于此,不由让人想起八十年代轰动一时的话剧《寻找男子汉》。 不过,话剧毕竟是话剧,中国体坛还远没到要寻找男子汉的程度。不信,到中国体操队看看:紫红色金丝绒的光荣榜上,20名世界冠军的照片里就有15位威风凛凛的男子汉;再翻翻他们的战绩册:中国体操队在世界三大赛赢得的44次冠军中,有39枚金牌出自小伙子们的手中,特别是那6枚沉甸甸的奥运会金牌,它不仅占了体操队8枚奥运会金牌的四分之三,而且占中国代表团在三届奥运会所获的全部36枚金牌的六分之一!
Over the past few years, lamenting the status quo in China’s overcast and gloomy state of affairs can be described as endless. Every time here, reminiscent of the eighties sensational drama “looking for men.” However, drama is, after all, drama, the Chinese sports are far from to find the degree of man. Do not believe, to the Chinese gymnastics team to see: fuchsia gold velvet honor list, 20 world champion photos there are 15 majestic men; then flip their record book: Chinese gymnastics team in the world won three major games Of the 44 championships, 39 were gold medals from the boys, especially the six heavy Olympic gold medals, which not only accounted for three-quarters of the eight gold medals in the gymnastics team but also accounted for three of the top three Olympic Games Sixty-six of all 36 gold medals won!