At the beginning of the 1990s, when Japan’s friend Lai became the resident and Japanese famous tapestry player Miyakono Kazuyoshi invited to write something about Japan’s Kyoto delegation to China and commemorated the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Mr. Lu Rongrong generously agreed After thinking: In the Tang Dynasty came to Japan from Japan, Shakuhachi, by the majority of the people’s favorite, this Sino-Japanese friendship as the witness of the instrument, the formation of Japan’s major music culture. As Japan’s traditional culture in Japan’s central Kyoto, ruler playing is even more beloved. Soon, a music generation, soon a prototype of work has been brewing in his mind, to seize this inspiration to find a collaborator - a composer Xi’an Conservatory of Music. In the friendly and tacit cooperation, Lu Rialong, Zhang Xiaofeng composer "looking for - Japanese foot eight and China Qudi (and touch the bell), erhu, dulcimer