随着网络的普及,不少音乐迷都已经搭上了Internet的快车,开始从网上下载自己喜欢的MP3。可当你花了大量的时间从网上下载MP3后,正准备坐下好好欣赏一番之时,却发现下载来的文件竟然是坏的,你一定会非常沮丧。面对这些如同鸡肋的文件你会怎么办呢?删了它,还是留在硬盘里当做摆设呢?不,我们自然有我们的办法,下面笔者就给各位音乐迷介绍两款MP3修复软件。 一、Noncook 本软件功能比较单一,仅仅用来修复MP3而已。软件的安装很容易,接下来运行Noncook,界面如图1,然后单击“Create Association”按钮,怎么?没反应,呵呵,其实这时才真正安装完。
With the popularity of the network, many music fans have already taken the Internet Express, began to download your favorite MP3 from the Internet. After you’ve spent a lot of time downloading MP3s from the internet and are ready to sit down and enjoy it, you will find it extremely frustrating to find that the downloaded files are actually bad. The face of these files as tasteless what would you do? Delete it, or remain in the hard disk as a display? No, we naturally have our way, the following author gave you music fans introduce two MP3 repair software. First, Noncook This software features a single, just used to repair MP3 only. Software installation is very easy, then run Noncook, the interface shown in Figure 1, and then click the “Create Association” button, how? No reaction, Oh, in fact, this time really installed End.