10月7日晚,台湾商人郭某在厦门市禾祥东路某音像店门口取车时,突然遭遇绑架,绑匪随后将其转移到了三明市明溪县的一个山村。2天后绑匪向其家人勒索新台币2500万元(折合人民币约600万元)。案发后,福建省厦门市、三明市两地警方迅即集中警力联手破案,8天后成功安全解救人质,绑匪被捉拿归案。 此案是厦门市建国以来发生的最大的一起绑架案,勒索金额巨大,引起高层震动,被福建省公安厅列为挂牌督办案件,同时也引起海峡对岸的高度关注。 近日,本刊特约记者赶赴三明、厦门两地,就这起巨额勒索台湾人绑架案,深入采访了厦门、三明两地参与破案的许多民警、武警及当地干群。
On the night of October 7, when a businessman from Taiwan, Kwak, took a car at the entrance of a video store in Hexiang Road, Xiamen City, she suddenly encountered kidnapping. The kidnappers then transferred it to a mountain village in Mingxi County, Sanming City. Two days later, the kidnappers extorted NT 25 million yuan (equivalent to about 6 million yuan) to their families. After the incident, Xiamen and Sanming City, Fujian Province, the two police officers immediately concentrated on cracking down on the police and successfully rescued the hostages after 8 days. The kidnappers were arrested and brought to justice. The case was the biggest kidnapping case that took place since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The extortion amount is huge, causing high-level vibration and being supervised by the Public Security Department of Fujian Province as a case of supervision. At the same time, it has also caused great concern across the Taiwan Strait. In recent days, our correspondent rushed to Sanming and Xiamen to extort huge amounts of kidnapping by the Taiwanese people. They interviewed many police officers, armed police and local cadres involved in the case-detection in Xiamen and Sanming.