极限运动永远是动作大片里不可或缺的元素。《007》、《生死逃亡》、《末路狂澜》等电影都带有极限运动的深深烙印。如今,在钢筋水泥的上海街头也随处可见极限爱好者的身影:也许是地铁上手拿滑板的少年,也许是行道上脚蹬滑轮的少女。而一年一度的起亚世界极限运动大赛无疑是极限粉丝们的盛会,每年夏天,极限迷们都会齐聚杨浦区创智天地江湾体育中心,以技会友,共赏极限高手们的精彩炫技。2013起亚世界极限运动大赛由上海市体育总会、SMG、FOX SPORTS项目赛事管理部以及上海市杨浦区人民政府共同主办,创智天地江湾体育中心是大赛场地支持方。除了起亚汽车的冠名赞助外,本次大赛期间还得到了虎牌啤酒和百事公司荣誉产品激浪的倾力赞助。相信得到社会各界的大力支持,本次大赛将成为2013年端午小长假期间的一大亮点。
Extreme sports is always an integral element of action movies. “007”, “escape from life and death”, “crazy road” and other movies are with extreme sports imprinting. Nowadays, limit-lovers are everywhere in the reinforced concrete streets of Shanghai: perhaps they are teenagers who take the skateboarding on the subway and may be the girl on the pedal pedals. The annual Kia World Extreme Sports Competition is undoubtedly the ultimate fan event, every summer, the ultimate fans will gather in Yangpu District Wisdom Jiangwan Sports Center, to skills will be friends, a total appreciation of the wonderful extreme virtuoso skills . 2013 Kia World Extreme Sports Competition is jointly organized by Shanghai Sports Federation, SMG, FOX SPORTS Event Management Department and People’s Government of Yangpu District of Shanghai. KC World Jiangwan Sports Center is the sponsor of the competition venue. In addition to the title sponsorship of Kia Motors, the contest also won the Qingli Tiger Beer and PepsiCo award-winning effort to sponsor. I believe get the strong support of all sectors of society, this competition will become a major highlight of the 2013 Dragon Boat Festival holiday.