The focus of this paper is to examine the recent developments of urban development, with a particular emphasis on the impacts of economic globalization on cities. The first part of this paper discusses the new imbalances between cities, especially the main new economic trends that have the superiority and impact on various so-called “balanced urban systems.” The second part of the paper discusses in more detail a specific phenomenon among the various new imbalances in different cities, namely the naturally occurring global urban system. There is now a class of academic literature. Its number is soaring. It raises the point that some cities act as commodity capitals and commodity markets for global capital. The development of a global, well-structured urban system between these types of cities is now under way Show us before us. The third part of this paper focuses on the new city morphology and the dynamics of all social strata. Some models of urban development suggest that the concept of “city”, which has traditionally been used, is no longer sufficient to describe the development of emerging major urban areas. Has this model of urban development shown up in front of us? The so-called “emerging major metropolitan area” refers to the “mega-cities” that appear in the Third World to those that have been internationalized A new type of regional network of “nodes”. Such a regional network forms the basis of the geographical distribution of many global cities. There will be new social classes in these global cities. These situations are only a quantitative process? Or both qualitative change?