今天,人们在为孩子选择学习乐器时, 似乎不作过多思考便为男孩选择打击类或铜管类等较为刚性的乐器,而认为长笛、竖琴等较为柔性的乐器更适宜女孩,并且演奏长笛、竖琴等乐器的乐师被认为更体贴、温暖、敏感且更有亲和力;而演奏打击类、铜管类乐器的乐师则更有统治力和领导技巧,反之,同样是演奏长笛、竖琴等乐器的男性被认为缺乏支配力、活力。这些认识的形成主要源于社会性别固有观念。
Today, when people choose to study musical instruments for children, they seem to think that more flexible instruments such as flute and harp are more suitable for girls and playing flute, Musical instruments such as harps are considered more considerate, warm, sensitive and more intimate; musicians playing hit and brass instruments are more dominant and leading skills; conversely, men who play musical instruments such as flute and harp Is considered a lack of dominance, vitality. The formation of these understandings is mainly due to the inherent concept of gender.