沙田是合浦县东部沿海的乡镇,过去由于缺乏森林,自然环境恶劣,风、沙、旱、潮等灾害频繁,用材烧柴奇缺,群众生活十分艰苦。然而现在荒漠变成了 “绿色的海洋” , 沙田共有各种类型的海防林1 000公顷,四旁林150公顷,海岸基干林带长10公里,基本建成了海防林体系,森林
Shatin is a township along the eastern coast of Hepu County. In the past, due to the lack of forests and poor natural environment, frequent disasters such as wind, sand, drought and tide caused the shortage of wood-burning materials and the hard life of the people. However, now the desert has become a “green sea.” There are a total of 1,000 hectares of various types of coastal defense forests and 150 hectares of forest surrounded by forests in Shatin. Coastal trunk forest belts are 10 kilometers long, and coastal defense forest systems and forests