灰尘、细砂等异物飞入眼内,蚊子、跳蚤、小虫、水等进入外耳道,这看起来都是小事,如果处理不当、不及时,也会带来很多麻烦。 (一)眼内异物。眼内进异物,千万记住不能用手或不干净的物品去揉搓眼睛,否则有将异物揉进角膜和引起感染的危险,会导致严重后果。一般情况下,微小的异物可被泪水洗掉,凡泪水洗不出的异物都要小心处理。处理泪水冲不去的异物时,可将眼皮翻开,试用干净的手帕或棉签轻轻拭去,然后滴几滴氯霉素眼药水,并闭眼休息十分钟。如果翻
Dust, sand and other foreign objects fly into the eyes, mosquitoes, fleas, bugs, water, etc. into the external auditory meatus, which seems trivial, if not handled properly, not timely, it will also bring a lot of trouble. (A) intraocular foreign body. Eye into the foreign body, do not remember to use your hand or unclean items to rub your eyes, or there will be foreign body rub into the cornea and the risk of infection, can lead to serious consequences. Under normal circumstances, small foreign body can be washed off by tears, who can not wash the tears of foreign bodies have to be careful. Deal with the tears can not rushed to the foreign body, the eyelids can be opened, try a clean handkerchief or cotton swab gently wipe off, and then drip a few drops of chloramphenicol eye drops and eyes closed for rest for 10 minutes. If you turn