(一)概述 在农业部组织实施的“生态家园富民计划”示范工程中,为解决边远、贫困地区农牧民用电问题,还配套建设小电源工程,其中包括户用太阳能光伏发电系统。 我国太阳能光伏电池地面应用是从20世纪70年代初开始的。到目前为止,虽然只有近30年的历史,但发展迅速,应用领域日益扩大,规格品种逐渐增多。现已成功地开发和建成多项太阳能光伏发电示范工程及光伏电源配套产品,不仅有适合通讯、交通等工业领域
(I) Overview In order to solve the problem of electricity supply to peasants and herdsmen in remote and impoverished areas, a small power project, including household solar photovoltaic power generation system, is also being built in the demonstration project of “Ecological Homes for Enriching People Project” organized and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture. China’s solar photovoltaic ground applications from the early 1970s. So far, although only about 30 years of history, but the rapid development of the growing field of application, the gradual increase in species specifications. Has successfully developed and built a number of solar photovoltaic demonstration projects and photovoltaic power supply ancillary products, not only for communications, transportation and other industrial areas