A new calculation model of cutterhead torque and investigation of its influencing factors

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kefamz
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Cutterhead torque is a crucial parameter for the design and operation of earth pressure balance(EPB) shield tunneling machine.However,the traditional calculation models of cutterhead torque are too rough or exist gross errors under variable geological conditions.In order to improve the precision of the calculation model of cutterhead torque,dynamic operation parameters are considered and a new model is proposed.Experiment is carried out on a 1.8 m shield machine test rig and the calculating result with the new model is compared with the experimental data to verify the validity of the new model.The relative error of the new model is as low as 4% at smooth stage and is reduced to 5% at the end of trembling stage.Based on the results of the new model and the test data obtained from the 1.8 m test rig and the construction site,the inner relationships between several operation parameters and cutterhead torque are investigated and some quantitative conclusions are obtained. Cutterhead torque is a crucial parameter for the design and operation of earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunneling machine. However, the traditional calculation models of cutterhead torque are too rough or exist gross errors under variable geological conditions. In order to improve the precision of the calculation model of cutterhead torque, dynamic operation parameters are considered and a new model is proposed. Execution is carried out on a 1.8 m shield machine test rig and the calculation result with the new model is compared with the experimental data to verify the validity of the new model. The relative error of the new model is as low as 4% at smooth stage and is reduced to 5% at the end of trembling stage. Based on the results of the new model and the test data obtained from the 1.8 m test rig and the construction site, the inner relationships between several operation parameters and cutterhead torque are investigated and some quantitative conclusions are obtained.
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