比较记忆法是一种简单明了,对相似而又不同的知识点进行对比分析,弄清和掌握它们的异同关系,以达到记忆的方法。如果把它适时地运用到初中地理教学中,必然收到事半功倍的效果。下面介绍几种常用的比较法。 对立比较法。把两种对立的事物放在一块,从不同的侧面分析其特点,能形成鲜明的对比,加深学生的印象。如在讲冬季风和夏季风时,可从二者的发源地、特征、影响范围等方面比较分析。在讲寒暖流等也可运用这种方法。 类似比较法。对许多事物,其知识在表面上有相似之处,但本质上存在着差异。讲述时可找出其异同点进行比较。这样不仅可以加强学生的记忆效果,还可培养其辨别事物的能力。如在讲述“世界人种”时,可以从肤色、眼色、毛发、面部特征、分布地区等方面来分析区别。另外,地形
The comparative memory method is a simple and straightforward method. It compares and analyzes similar and different knowledge points, and understands and grasps their similarities and differences to achieve the memory method. If it is applied to junior high school geography teaching in a timely manner, it will inevitably receive a multiplier effect. Here are some common comparisons. Opposite comparison method. Putting two opposing things together and analyzing their characteristics from different perspectives can provide a sharp contrast and deepen students’ impressions. For example, when it comes to winter and summer monsoons, they can be compared from the origin, characteristics, and scope of influence of the two. You can also use this method to talk about cold currents. Similar comparison method. For many things, their knowledge has similarities on the surface, but there are differences in nature. When you talk about it, you can find out the similarities and differences and compare them. This can not only enhance students’ memory effect, but also develop their ability to distinguish things. For example, when it comes to “world race,” the difference can be analyzed in terms of skin color, eye color, hair, facial features, and distribution area. In addition, terrain