【摘 要】
A study of some sulfonylurea molecules with consideration of water molecules as its solvent was undertaken. The influence of the water molecules on the structur
【机 构】
A study of some sulfonylurea molecules with consideration of water molecules as its solvent was undertaken. The influence of the water molecules on the structure-activity relationship of the 35 sulfonylurea molecules was discussed . By supper-imposition of structural sulfonyl molecules, a molecular RMS was correlated with pI_50, which denotes that the configuration difference in water solution is one of the reasons which causes the difference in bioactivity.
A study of some sulfonylurea molecules with its solvent was undertaken. The influence of the water molecules on the structure-activity relationship of the 35 sulfonylurea molecules was discussed. By supper-imposition of structural sulfonyl molecules, a molecular RMS was was correlated with pI_50, which indicates that the configuration difference in water solution is one of the reasons which causes the difference in bioactivity.
The structure of syn- and anti-Nb-(p-toluenesulfonyl)-3a-hydroxyl-1, 2, 3, 3a, 8, 8a-hexahydro pyrrolo[2,3-b] indole-2-carboxylic t-butyl ester was stereoselect
采用变形玻昂迭代法 (DBIM )对 6FF40 (深感应测井仪 )的测量数据进行地层剖面重建。利用 6FF40的测量数据作为迭代的初始值 ,加快了迭代收敛速度 ;其次利用数值模式匹配(NMM )解的z向解析性质和径向线性插值方法 ,避免了双重数值积分。数值计算结果表明 ,上述两种方法应用后 ,其计算效率和反演质量均得到很大的提高。
用单颗粒模型研究了煤焦燃烧时焦碳氮转变成 NO的过程。模型中考虑了炭粒内部和外部温度和组分浓度的变化 ,在源项的处理上采用了简单的化学反应动力学机理模型。应用有限差
Based on a simple nonrelativistic constituent quark model, the nucleon structure function F2 in theresonance region is estimated by taking the contributions fro
研究用不同的手性选择剂拆分异丙嗪旋光异构体 .用毛细管区带电泳法拆分异丙嗪旋光异构体 .研究表明 ,用低浓度 β-环糊精 (β- CD)可基线分离异丙嗪旋光异构体 ,用谷氨酸 -
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合成了新试剂 5-(2 -(对 -磺酚 )偶氮 ) -罗丹宁 (SPARH) ,研究了 SPARH的光度性质 .在 p H为 4 .1 0的缓冲溶液中 ,当有质量分数为0 .1 0 %的 Tween-80存在时 ,Pd( )与 SPAR